using-up so much time to allow all graphics to fully load |
For keeping the peace with all users while all the graphics load |
X X X X | For keeping all salacious and suggestive graphics out of this site |
I N T E R M I S S I O N |
A TIE For giving the most excitement to users trying to find the hidden surprises | A TIE For giving the most excitement to users after finding the hidden surprises |
For the average 'grade' users give for having to wait so long for the graphics to load |
For the place where most users would like to see the 'producer' of this page |
This Award Show has been brought to you because of, and through, the perseverance shown by the Tripod Homepage Editor |
Your judgment of this 'Show' and any other comments you have may be directed to the 'producer' by using the form below. Don't forget to add your name to the message. |
Home Page This Way | Navigation Panel This Way |